Sunday, May 3, 2009

Book Reviews of My Journey to an Integrated Life

Book Review of My Journey to an Integrated Life by integratedlifecoach Melinda M. Sorensson, Ph.D.
This book is available at and

Melinda's wonderful book has been an amazing source of inspiration to me, and one of the greatest gifts I have received. I found that opening her book "My Journey to an Integrated Life" at any page and completing the "exercises" has been like keeping my own journal of my personal and spiritual awakenings. The questions on each page have helped me to consider my life's journey from a new and refreshed perspective. I would highly recommend this book for anyone who is exploring their life and purpose, or anyone who wants to further engage in a space of development and inner journeying.
Thank you precious Melinda for your gift of love.
Loving blessings,
Evie Weaver

My Journey to an Integrated Life is a valuable workbook for self healing. The user has to make a commitment to complete the book and work on a page every day even if they only sign and date the page. There is no prescribed order for the exercises and no need to restrict oneself to one exercise a day.

The book is probably not best suited to beginners in the process of personal transformation and healing, and is best used for self-study if the user has a coach-mentor. This is not because of any deficiency in the book, which is excellent, but in the fact that the attitudes underlying the book are likely to be alien for those most in need of it and a coach can explain these if the user is blocked or clarify if the user is heading in the wrong direction

Each page has an exercise theme, an example of a statement for the day and a drawing. There is a lot of space for the results of each exercise and a repetitive set of statements the user must sign each day. These drill into the unconscious by repetition.

The pages that remain in my mind at present are those that relate to taming and using the Ego.

Dr. Alex Kashko, Quantum Physicist, Edinburgh Scotland

The first thing I noticed about your book was its simplicity and ease of use Due to my busy lifestyle as a Spiritual coach I don't always have time to read books. But I have been using this book for a number of weeks. I found the it certainly reflected what I do in my own work and I would highly recommend it as a coaching tool for my own clients. In fact I have put it on my website today.

I love its simplicity and the way it give the reader the opportunity to flick through the pages randomly and choose whatever they want to focus on the day. Its certainly a very empowering piece of work.

Sarah Strudwick,Empath and Spiritual Coach, England
No Ordinary Life

My Journey to an Integrated Life is a book for every one, as your life reflects back to you.

It's a book wherein you write your experience, you write those things which actually you are. It enhances you a lot by letting you know yourself. And this world knowing yourself is the most difficult thing to do.

It's when I was writing some of the questions, I had to answer which was very difficult, this teaches you how to be strong in life, this is what I experienced while going through this book.

This book is mainly ment for those who forget what they are, by going through this book, they will realise what they lack and how they could achieve them.

It makes you strong, it makes you honest, it makes you feel great as what ever you write you write the truth.

I sincerely thank Melinda for creating such a wonderful book.

Manoj Chhabria,Businessman, Dubai
Grd Floor, Flat No-A/1,
Ajman/United Arab Emirates
May 3, 2009

I think this book is awesome! This is a very creative idea of the author. This is a great concept to reach your higher self. What's wonderful is when the journal is complete it is all about the deeper YOU. You can then reflect on it, you know what they say about writing things down and how you retain them better. I can't wait to get started on my journey because I am anxious to see the outcome and learn things about myself that I never knew. I would suggest this journal to everyone. You will not be disappointed. -Angela from Florida

I will spread the word. I'm so very impressed!. I began my "journey" two nights ago....very informative and fun getting to know "me" again! I wish you all the best! -Catherine from New England

I will let my friends know about this wonderful book to help them achieve what they want. Thank you so much-GC from Louisiana

This is a very very interactive journal. Every person must have it if they want to enrich their souls with good thoughts and peace-Jagdish from Florida

What a generous gift "My Journey to an Integrated Life" is. Thank you so much! I have completed "My Decision Page" and Page 1"Be Good to Yourself". What a good beginning for this wonderful book! I look forward to future pages and meditating 30 minutes per day as you suggest-MB from Louisiana

It is a wonderful reminder of how busy our lives can be and a tool to stop and rethink our priorities as well as nourish our dreams-LR, Louisiana

Writing from the heart, Melinda Sorenson's book provides a unique way to understand life. Through the simple technique of journaling, you put into words your own feelings and desires. Each page holds a "golden nugget" that allows a simple and creative way for your own self discovery.

Dr. Carolyn Shiffman
Carolyn Shiffman Consulting

I began the book right away. It has helped me to write everyday...a pleaaure of mine that I've gotten away from. I'm reflecting each day sitting down to write. Thank you for bringing me back to that with your book. -
Kisha Kana, Award Winning Realtor Van Eaton & Romero, Inc

I highly recommend this book! It's a wonderful book that you not only read, but do the daily exercises. It's a powerful read and can do everyone that reads it a lot of good and growth into a more fulfilling life, with balance,purpose, and success-Robert in Michigan

I like the format that you write the daily affirmations and meditations. Thank you!-JS from Louisiana

The book is so simple that even a 10 year old child can appreciate it. The format is large and allows for a lot of creativity on the part of the one who will write in it, and the artwork used to depict the principles is sometimes quite funny, yet underneath it all is the author's deep sense of peace and freedom which can be attained by anyone who is willing to do the necessary self introspection inherent in keeping a journal. It is a wealth creation manual for those who are seeking wealth, it is a zen book for those who are practicing Zen, it is a tool for those who are seeking peace through writing, and it is just a simple book to browse when we are already happy. I would recommend this book to everyone. I think it would make an especially great gift for a youngster who is inclined to write, or an older child ready to leave home for the first time. (At the very least, it will encourage the younger children to write as well as it will encourage older ones to reflect honestly on their daily activities.) In one sentence, the book is both deceptively simple and deeply profound-ahd, texas

"Accept each moment as perfect as it is," is today's principal from "My Journey to an Integrated Life: a journal of Self discovery" by Melinda M. Sorensson. I had the privilege of taking Melinda though The Avatar course a few years ago. It was an incredibly beautiful adventure for us both. She gives new meaning to boundless joy, delight and curiosity about life and an eager spirit to delve and go deep. I love you Melinda! She shared in this journal how she "accepted and relished the perfection of each moment." The principal brought up for me feelings of surrendering to the moment. Being present without judgment and having appreciation for what is. Accepting what is. Seeing the blessing in the moment. No matter what is going on around me, I continue to move forward. I don't de-rail myself. No matter how it may look on the outside, I am never alone. I feel the energy, the alignment of physical and non-physical support. From spirit, "I love you. I am here for you. I will never leave you." I surrender to that sweet feeling of being eternally cradled in loving arms. And so it is. Much love,-Nicola in North Carolina
Nicola Karesh is a Licensed Avatar® Master who practices worldwide.
Please visit her website to learn more about Avatar®.

The most interesting part of the book is that it is written in such a simple way that anyone can understand. What I appreciate most is the interactive style of the book. This is not a book which we browse and put aside and eventually forget. This is something which we should study, understand, think, write and finally inherit the ideas. It is a book for everyone, especially for those who want to strike a balance between creating wealth and seeking peace of mind. I would like to recommend this book to everyone-Arijit in Louisiana

I like the positive messages that you dispensed in the book. If everyone practices them the world will be a better place-TN in Virginia

This is a great interactive journal that provides some great affirmations and ideas that will spark your writing and self-introspection. It's a perfect opportunity to delve into your own subconscious mind, and find out whats in there-Alan Redstone, Truckee,California
Melinda M. Sorensson is the author My Journey to an Integrated Life ISBN-10:0979650704 Available at
Melinda contributes to: and is also an expert member of the most complete guide to information about Self Improvement, Personal Growth and Self Help on the Internet. It is designed to be an organized directory, with articles and references to thousands of other Web Sites on the World Wide

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